donderdag 30 mei 2024

Music Police

Hai there. Someone has been nice.. don't know who but thanks anyway! They call themselves music police. "Keep The Temperature" has been chosen for this list.

Chart information (dutch)


Free40 puts together the Free40, the Indie Chart and the album Chart together. A number of independent music lovers put together these lists. The goal is to bring new music to the attention of the audience. Free40 is also an ambassador of 3FM and Scout for Musicfromnl.

How is the Free40 compiled? The list is compiled by the 'Neuzen van Nederland', music lovers who search the internet for releases of (new) bands and artists and/or who send their personal list. The new acquisitions are listened to and assessed.

alternative charts in other countries are also followed. Reviews on the internet or in professional journals are also important. And, last but not least, readers are tipped a lot about striking new singles. The FREE40 is compiled based on these criteria. The Free40 is followed by many DJs and people from the music world because the list has a signal function. Many well -known bands had their first hits in the Free40. Do you still miss singles in this list? Let us know and mail your tip (s) to If you want to be 'Nose' for the Free40, mail us at mail@free40.
Inde Chart

The Indie Chart is a weekly alternative list in which new independent Dutch releases and downloads are arranged. So no Anouk, Golden Earring and Blof, but Dutch artists without a record label or who have a contact with a small label.

The Indie Chart is compiled by a number of independent music lovers who eavesdropping promos and MP3's that we get in or ask for yourself And so every week come to a value judgment in the form of a 'hit list'. We realize that we are a kind of 'music police', but then of 'the good kind'. The songs cannot be voted for consciously, because then we will receive lists of fans, so that the same songs are in the list for weeks. We want diversity in the Indie Chart.

where it once started in 2006 with a top 10 and 2 years later a top 20, the Indie Chart is now a fully -fledged Top40 list. The only chart with pop, rock, electro, singer/songwriter and other genres from the Netherlands that is put together independently. In this way the Indie Chart supports many new Dutch bands and artists and contributes to promoting music from Dutch soil.

The Dutch media unfortunately pays far too little attention to Dutch bands. We think that's a shame. Serious Talent is a good initiative of 3FM, but only a few bands are eligible for this. Bands with fewer 'radio -friendly songs are not covered. And there are many good Dutch bands. It is a shame that they will not receive more attention on the Dutch radio stations. The Indie Chart covers that gap in any case. To Or send a promotion to our mailbox; Look for the addressing on our contact page. The song is then eligible for the Indie Advice List, the 'Tipparade' of the Indie Chart. Even a listing in the Free40 is in the offing, so that the single is in the spotlight.
album Chart

The album Chart is compiled on the basis of global releases. The most striking albums are listed.


dinsdag 28 mei 2024

Some new songs on the air!

Yes folks, some new songs have already been played on various online radio stations. Under the radar, but in your face! Here are a few:

Lonely Oak Radio California, USA


Amazing Radio UK

 Don't forget, next week 196Tree will be released!


zondag 12 mei 2024

Keep the Temperature Down promo

Hey there! How to promote a new album better than some eye candy. O yeah promotion... As a musician I can't help but feeling a little bit awkward to be featured in a video, posing lip-sync stuff, but on the other hand, a funny, self-mocking one can do no harm that much. Something I'll always strive for is to keep it upbeat and not to be taken too seriously. No pretensions in me, just a DIY attitude understates what you'll get to see (still a lot!) as I've used a lot of Instagram effects to enhance the experience. 

Any messages behind the song "Keep The Temperature Down"?

Overall a call to cool things down! Hey, hey Joost!


dinsdag 7 mei 2024



Late December 1963. The year I was born. Just after JFK had been brutally killed. And then Bang the Beatles happened.. and the Stones, Who, Kinks followed and...


Is the title of the new album (20th digital album) and it will be released on 3 june 2024, again distributed by AMADEA music.

The song ideas came in as huge waves of inspiration and I just happened to be there, grabbing all of those in time! Excitement again. I still play everyday, strumming, singing old covers or smoothtalking piano chords and melodies with eachother. I couldn't wait to nurse these 14 brand new songs and make them happen. A lot of ping-pong playing, trying out and out of the box thinking got me through the days in working out all of the arrangements. More deep delving occured, daring myself, more challenging than before. So the songs are all over the place I guess, eclectic to the core. 

Yes, no blood, but a lot of sweat and tears of joy! Hard work? Many, many details, but worth it. No pain, no gain. Mostly it was pure fun.

The covers 

Well as the title suggests, it's about a particular year. I've made this album in my sixtieth year around the sun. So what about a photo collage? 3 became tree. A tree of pictures. So a search for a history in family snapshots of myself began. A lot of music connections were added too. Some of you may even recognize yourselves! So if you do and you think it's not appropriate, call the office immediately! 

So without further ado....

Next: a movie! Aha. Yes, show me your 196Tree promo video!


Selfie Birthday boy fotoshoot

Trying out some pictures as a collage

Backcover with songtitles

Frontcover 196Tree



maandag 22 april 2024


Back in public. What's up?

A project.

Yes, all instrumental ditties folks for the first time on Spotify. Songs from 2000 till around 2016, some have never been released (!) The idea behind this project was the demand in instrumental music for video makers, background music purposes. A few have been used through the years.

First released in 2014, next to my regular releases.

So another name for this pure instrumental stuff and no, no artist name either: 

JoosTherdin (Dinther is my last name so I shuffled with it a bit)

For the new regular release, you don't have to wait that long anymore either, as it will be released in June I hope. A video is in the works. Very excited about it all, of course! Updates will follow.

Here are the links to the first volume of For Your Pleasure (a title I've chosen as a tribute to my favourite Roxy Music's 1973 album):




iTunes Apple music 


woensdag 16 augustus 2023

De Muziekplank

Yes! Another review, this time from the dutch site "De Muziekplank" (Music shelf) TU!

The Dutch singer-songwriter JoosTVD managed to present his debut album in 2005. Now it's time for number 19. The man knows how to fully play and produce the album from a -z.



The album has a great diversity of sounds. But the basis is a funky swinging touch with a basic singing beat. It's the sounds with which you can't sit on your lazy ass. It has a South American touch that touches on the African. By incorporating the horns into the songs, it gets a jazz moment. But above all are the catchy repetitive lyrics of, among other things, the title track and the opening track 'Living is Instant' with which you are sucked into the album.
‘Hear the Sunshine Play’, ‘Careful’ with a nice bass line and the piano track ‘The Shit Hits the Band’ sound like crooners with a weed, but certainly entertaining.
The laid back songs 'Ennio' and 'Sentimental Overload' are the highlights of the album for me. From that perspective, a full album in a line would be most desirable to me. But the more people the more joy there are more flavors.

The album is a great album!


woensdag 19 juli 2023

A Wow Review from Belgium!

I was waiting (im)patiently for it, but Marino Serdons did it again: so insightful and couraging! From the Belgian music magazine Keys and Chords


TVD overwhelms again with positive musical impulses. For several years and albums he has dared to sail against the depressive current with a mix of pop, funk, jazz and vaudeville. In the past we have already compared the cool Dutchman to the European Todd Rundgren, influenced by Frank Zappa and Brian Protheroe. Meanwhile, the DIY has developed its own fun style in his studio, immediately recognizable and without compromise.

The new 19th album starts with the swinging 'Living Is Instant', a truth like a Dutch cow. The perfect opener for the funky 'Put Your Fade In It': a boost for those who don't like it anymore. And if that doesn't seem enough, then 'Hear The Sunshine' will encourage you to enjoy life.

Even stronger than on his previous albums, Joost knows how to dress the sensitive string in his lyrics with uplifting vibes and grooves.

Humor is not uncommon in his work, it even gets crazy with 'The Shit Hits The Band'. Or the kazoo-enhanced 'Mister Jump The Gun'. And what about the crazy voice acting in 'Agnes Magnus Populess'?

The funky 'Hang On' surprises with some clever transitions. 'Sentimental Overload' triggers with 'confidential information' ...tightly constructed, few frills, to the point.

'Agree To Disagree' starts very jazzy and then quietly meanders on and ends richly towards the end. A strong piece of creativity that is further interpreted in an instrumental ode to Ennio Morricone and the extremely original 'Move U' with dragging rhythm and strings as jammers.

If you want to start the day in all cheerfulness, let JoostTVD blare through the speakers. It makes your living instantly happy, really!

'Start your day with JoosTVD's funky extravanganzas and instant happiness will put a smile on your face'.

I'm not worthy... I'm not worthy!


TVD overweldigt weer met positieve muzikale impulsen. Al ettelijke jaren en albums durft hij tegen de depressieve stroom invaren met een mix van pop, funk, jazz en vaudeville. In het verledn hebben ij de toffe nederlander al eens vergeleken met de europese Todd Rundgren, beinvloedt door Frank Zappa en Brian Protheroe. Ondertussen heeft de DIY in zijn studio een eigen leuke stijl ontwikkeld, onmiddelijk herkenbar en zonder compromissen.

Het nieuwe 19e album start met het swingende 'Living Is Instant', een waarheid als een hollandse koe. De perfecte opener voor het funky 'Put Your Fade In It': een opsteker voor hen die het niet meer zien zitten. En als dat niet voldoende lijkt, dan zal 'Hear The Sunshine' je wel stimuleren om te genieten van het leven.

Nog sterker dan op zijn vorige albums weet Joost de gevoelige snaar in zijn lyrics in te kleden met opbeurende vibes en grooves.

Humor is niet vreemd aan zijn werk, kolderesk wordt het zelfs met 'The Shit Hits The Band'. Of het met kazoo opgefleurde 'Mister Jump The Gun'. En wat te denken van het gekke stemmenspel in 'Agnes Magnus Populess'?

Het funky 'Hang On' verrast met enkele spitsvondige overgangen. "Sentimental Overload' triggert met "confidential information" ...strak opgebouwd, weinig franjes, to the point.

'Agree To Disagree' start heel jazzy om dan rustig verder te meanderen en naar het einde rijkelijk te eindigen. Een sterk staaltje van creativiteit dat zich verder vertolkt in een instrumentale ode aan Ennio Morricone en het uiterst originele 'Move U' met slepend ritme en strijkers als stoorzenders.

Wil je de dag in alle vrolijkheid starten, laat dan even JoosTVD door de boxen schallen. Het maakt je living instant gelukkig, echt waar!

'Begin je dag met de funky extravanganza's van JoosTVD en instant geluk zal een glimlach op je gezicht toveren'.

zondag 9 juli 2023

vrijdag 23 juni 2023

Hey a Review from Rootsville!

HAI there!  Sometimes I have to search for the reviews and then... surprise... I found one! Not expected. Thank U!

Rootsville Review


zaterdag 17 juni 2023

From my buddy

 I've played with him from 1980- till 1995. Always enthousiastic and royal with words, thanks bud!

Wijnand Brant
Na 3 dagen zojuist ‘repeat’ uitgezet. Ben inmiddels horendol 🤪
Het was weer heerlijk om me te laten onderdompelen door alle instrumenten, klankkleuren, harmonieën en verrassende compositorische wendingen. Wat een heerlijk albummeke.
Het nodigde uit om mijn aangelegde JoosTVD afspeellijst weer te draaien.
Deze heb ik aangevuld met:
“Ennio”, “Living is instant”, “Put your fade in it”, “Careful”, “Agree to disagree”, “Mister Jump the Gun”, “Hear the sunshine 2”
Ben het meest geraakt door “Ennio”.
Dank wederom voor deze eruptie van nieuw klankvoer!



Wijnand Brant
just turned off \"repeat\" after 3 days. I am now earcrazy 🤪
It was wonderful to be immersed by all the instruments, sound colors, harmony and surprising compositive turns. What a wonderful Album.
it invited to turn my joostvd playlist again.
I supplemented this with:
\"Ennio\", \"Living is instant\", \"Put your fade in it\", \"careful\" , \"Agree to Disagree\", \"Mister Jump the Gun\", \"Hear the Sunshine 2\"
Most touched by \"Ennio\". Thanks again for this eruption of new sound food!
Here's his 3 hours of TVD spotify playlist!
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