woensdag 18 april 2018

Let Us Hear A New Tune!

Here it is then. A new promo for both the eyes and the ears. Not that I'm not a professional video wizzard, but if I've gotta show something I'll do it the DIY way. All you need is dancing shoes and a grooving smile.

What do ya think? To me, this is just a simple, carefree and upbeat, funky tune from a restless guy that loves to dance but shyness holds him back.... Marvin Gaye wrote an irresistable dance song about that (Got To Give It Up) to keep up with the disco rage in 1977.
O, but I loved creating this little dittie.I wrote this very quick with a sort of naive confidence. All it took was a ball of spontanious energy. that you can't buy anywhere.
Well, I'm getting a little stiff maybe in the hips, but don't dare me! I'm not trying to grow up, that's all. Not now! Love life all over again.
Dancing freely can surely help to reduce the age problem. Stay a kid. Love the rhythm of life. So many ways to do it!

Promo "Not Now" from the brand new 2018 album "Just Say KNOW"

Lyrics/ Music (JoosTVD)

Not Now

One day I'll be a big boy
But not now, not now!
I want to have fun 
With my new toy

Just let me move
Move me to the rhythm of your life 

One day I'll get my act together
But not now, not now! 
I never fellt better 

Just let me move
Move me to the rhythm of your life 

Next: Released "Just Say Know" and where?

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