Hey folks! Going well?
Feedback, I dig it all! To be or not to be...I'll behave...
Thank you Marino Serdons!
Bron: Keys And Chords review
In dutch:
"Al 40 jaren schudt Joost van Dinther alias The vanished Dutchman liedjes uit zijn non-stop brein. Vorig jaar nog schreef de pers het album "Just Say Know" naar de hemelse sterren. Ook "The Fly On The Wall Routine" bulkt van snelle en funky songs waarbij meerdere muzikale lagen een mooi complex geheel maken. Soms valt wel eens de vergelijking met Frank Zappa, in zijn tijd een meester in complexe en dikwijls oeverloze songs. Joost bespeelt het iets praktischer en vooral meer gebundeld. Zelden overstijgt een nummer 3 minuten en toch heb je het gevoel (al swingend) om tientallen instrumenten te hebben ontdekt. Niet alleen intelligent en boeiend, ook enigszins riskant om in alle overmoed er teveel laagjes in the duwen ("Behave")... Gelukkig weet Joost nog nipt de juiste dosering aan boord te leggen zodat het organische niet verloren gaat. Grappig is het speelse "Treason". Een perfecte musicalsong. Niet toevallig gevolgd door een luchtig instrumentaal "The Vanished Vaudeville". In het theatrale maakt Joost het verschil met mainstream funkbands. Naast enkele folietjes herbergt "The Fly On The Wall Routine" een aantal knappe funk geinspireerde songs met ieder hun eigen excentrieke benadering. Een aanrader!" (door Marino Serdons)
In english:
'For 40 years Joost van Dinther aka The vanished Dutchman has been shaking songs from his non-stop brain. Last year the press wrote the album' Just Say Know 'to the heavenly stars.' The Fly On The Wall Routine 'is also brimming with fast and funky songs in which multiple musical layers make a nice complex whole, and sometimes the comparison with Frank Zappa, a master of complex and often endless songs in his time, Joost plays it a little more practically and above all more bundled. minutes and yet you have the feeling (while swinging) that you have discovered dozens of instruments, not only intelligent and fascinating, but also somewhat risky to push too many layers into it ('Behave') ... Luckily Joost still knows to put the correct dosage on board so that the organic is not lost.Funny is the playful 'treason', a perfect musicalsong, and not coincidentally followed by a light instrumental 'The Vanished Vaudeville'. eatrale makes Joost the difference with mainstream funk bands. In addition to some films, 'The Fly On The Wall Routine' houses a number of handsome funk-inspired songs, each with its own eccentric approach. A must! '(By Marino Serdons)
Again a great album from The Vanished Dutchman, JoosTVD. Beside his "classic" funky beats, you will find a few crazy cabaret tunes. How nice music can be!
Posts tonen met het label feedback. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label feedback. Alle posts tonen
donderdag 23 mei 2019
dinsdag 7 mei 2019
Reviews? Keep them coming!
This is the first one from the netherlands, very well-written by the authors of Timpaan muziek
In dutch:
"Joost The Vanished Dutchman (JoosTVD) is een multiinstrumentalist en heeft een nieuw album uit, The fly on the wall routine. Funky jazzachtige muziek met een onverwacht lage stem, virtuoze loopjes en ingenieuze tegenmelodieën vullen elkaar continue aan. Met een duur van 36 minuten duren de twaalf tracks van het album niet heel erg lang.
Is een nieuw album routine voor JoosTVD? Zo klinkt het in ieder geval niet. Het eerste nummer Fly talk straalt urgentie uit, wordt voortgestuwd op syncopes in de bas en swingt. Daarmee een uitstekende opener van dit album. in de tekst komt de albumtitel al gelijk naar voren. Opener Fly talk vormt met afsluiter The fly off the wall de omlijsting van het album. Stuck gaat in dezelfde stijl verder. De stem van JoosTVD klinkt in vergelijking met zijn vorige album meer op de voorgrond en dat komt de balans ten goede.
Met Treason is het onmogelijk een lach te onderdrukken. De olijke melodie alleen al en het he-he-he, ho-ho-ho en they will never let me go-go-go vullen elkaar grandioos aan. Het nummer stuitert hoekig door de riffjes heen. The vanished Vaudeville is een miniatuurtje. De variété is niet verdwenen in de muziek van JoosTVD. Kick together en The gloves are off klinken weer serieus. I don’t need your stinking money, even if you’re think I’m funny, zingt JoosTVD. The fly off the wall routine (nee, geen typefout het is off en niet on in de songtitel) sluit het album met een instrumentale track af.
JoosTVD levert opnieuw een technisch hoogstandje af. Hij bespeelt wederom alle instrumenten zelf en zet de ingewikkelde muzikale melodieën overtuigend neer."
Eindoordeel: 8,5
In english:
'Joost The Vanished Dutchman (JoosTVD) is a multi-instrumentalist and has released a new album, The fly on the wall routine. Funky jazz-like music with an unexpected low voice, virtuoso loops and ingenious counter melodies complement each other continuously. With a duration of 36 minutes the twelve tracks of the album do not last very long.
Is a new album routine for JoosTVD? That is not how it sounds. The first song Fly talk radiates urgency, is pushed on syncopes in the bass and swings. This makes an excellent opener of this album. the album title already comes to the fore in the text. Opener Fly talk forms the frame of the album with the closing act The fly off the wall. Stuck continues in the same style. The voice of JoosTVD sounds more in the foreground compared to his previous album and that benefits the balance.
With Treason it is impossible to suppress a smile. The merry melody alone and the he-he-he, ho-ho-ho and they will never let me go go-go complement each other beautifully. The number bounces angularly through the reefs. The vanished Vaudeville is a miniature. The variety has not disappeared in the music of JoosTVD. Kick together and The gloves are off sound serious again. I don't need your stinking money, if you think I'm funny, JoosTVD sings. The fly off the wall routine (no, no typo it's off and not on in the song title) closes the album with an instrumental track.
JoosTVD again delivers a technical tour de force. He once again plays all the instruments himself and convincingly puts down the complex musical melodies. '
Final assessment: 8.5
In dutch:
"Joost The Vanished Dutchman (JoosTVD) is een multiinstrumentalist en heeft een nieuw album uit, The fly on the wall routine. Funky jazzachtige muziek met een onverwacht lage stem, virtuoze loopjes en ingenieuze tegenmelodieën vullen elkaar continue aan. Met een duur van 36 minuten duren de twaalf tracks van het album niet heel erg lang.
Is een nieuw album routine voor JoosTVD? Zo klinkt het in ieder geval niet. Het eerste nummer Fly talk straalt urgentie uit, wordt voortgestuwd op syncopes in de bas en swingt. Daarmee een uitstekende opener van dit album. in de tekst komt de albumtitel al gelijk naar voren. Opener Fly talk vormt met afsluiter The fly off the wall de omlijsting van het album. Stuck gaat in dezelfde stijl verder. De stem van JoosTVD klinkt in vergelijking met zijn vorige album meer op de voorgrond en dat komt de balans ten goede.
Met Treason is het onmogelijk een lach te onderdrukken. De olijke melodie alleen al en het he-he-he, ho-ho-ho en they will never let me go-go-go vullen elkaar grandioos aan. Het nummer stuitert hoekig door de riffjes heen. The vanished Vaudeville is een miniatuurtje. De variété is niet verdwenen in de muziek van JoosTVD. Kick together en The gloves are off klinken weer serieus. I don’t need your stinking money, even if you’re think I’m funny, zingt JoosTVD. The fly off the wall routine (nee, geen typefout het is off en niet on in de songtitel) sluit het album met een instrumentale track af.
JoosTVD levert opnieuw een technisch hoogstandje af. Hij bespeelt wederom alle instrumenten zelf en zet de ingewikkelde muzikale melodieën overtuigend neer."
Eindoordeel: 8,5
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Happy dutchman |
In english:
'Joost The Vanished Dutchman (JoosTVD) is a multi-instrumentalist and has released a new album, The fly on the wall routine. Funky jazz-like music with an unexpected low voice, virtuoso loops and ingenious counter melodies complement each other continuously. With a duration of 36 minutes the twelve tracks of the album do not last very long.
Is a new album routine for JoosTVD? That is not how it sounds. The first song Fly talk radiates urgency, is pushed on syncopes in the bass and swings. This makes an excellent opener of this album. the album title already comes to the fore in the text. Opener Fly talk forms the frame of the album with the closing act The fly off the wall. Stuck continues in the same style. The voice of JoosTVD sounds more in the foreground compared to his previous album and that benefits the balance.
With Treason it is impossible to suppress a smile. The merry melody alone and the he-he-he, ho-ho-ho and they will never let me go go-go complement each other beautifully. The number bounces angularly through the reefs. The vanished Vaudeville is a miniature. The variety has not disappeared in the music of JoosTVD. Kick together and The gloves are off sound serious again. I don't need your stinking money, if you think I'm funny, JoosTVD sings. The fly off the wall routine (no, no typo it's off and not on in the song title) closes the album with an instrumental track.
JoosTVD again delivers a technical tour de force. He once again plays all the instruments himself and convincingly puts down the complex musical melodies. '
Final assessment: 8.5
zaterdag 20 april 2019
Feed me!
Hai folks! It's a very beautiful day up here in the lowlands, a very welcome spring sun shining through. It all sounds just like music to me... just one week and ....12 songs will be caressing your ears...or not!
Here's a little update, just before I'll release a second promo.
As I've released my first promo (Fly Talk) into the world, my curious eyes are always wondering how people react to my new ditties. I'm not interesting in millions of listeners, quality counts in the end my friend. The song has already been picked up by a few online radio stations now. One of them is this young, music platform (Drooble) for musicians, listeners, sharing insights and giving feedback to eachother. And there are the charts, not to be taken all that serious, mmm... or do we?
I hope I'll get a few reviews for the new album too in the future, it's so gratifying, so any support (reader can you write?) on that is welcome!
Charts Drooble 20 april 2019 (genre "Funk"):
And there are a few who have taken time to listen and appreciate what I do! Thanks U!

Marcelo Obregon
Next: The next promo will come, promise! Now behave!
Here's a little update, just before I'll release a second promo.
As I've released my first promo (Fly Talk) into the world, my curious eyes are always wondering how people react to my new ditties. I'm not interesting in millions of listeners, quality counts in the end my friend. The song has already been picked up by a few online radio stations now. One of them is this young, music platform (Drooble) for musicians, listeners, sharing insights and giving feedback to eachother. And there are the charts, not to be taken all that serious, mmm... or do we?
I hope I'll get a few reviews for the new album too in the future, it's so gratifying, so any support (reader can you write?) on that is welcome!
Charts Drooble 20 april 2019 (genre "Funk"):
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The Vanished Drooble Charts |
And there are a few who have taken time to listen and appreciate what I do! Thanks U!

Melvin Brown
Great vibe! Nice vocal. Tight instrumentation. Makes you want to get up and dance. Sweet track!

Paul Whitwam
TVD you turn out some stellar stuff .I'm loving this one. You grabbed
me from the first measure. Really interesting arrangement . Top of the
funk... More

Dig the progression! Smooth...Very nice!
Next: The next promo will come, promise! Now behave!
donderdag 31 januari 2013
Take a free ride, give us a tip then!
In the middle of songwriting, recording, exploring ideas, I am always looking for new platforms to spread my works on. Grateful for those ingenious guys who put a lot of work in creating them! I found one, called Noisetrade that's very professional, easy to work with. A lot different options for musicians. Listeners can download all 8 albums I've digitized so far and- just like a waiter- you can leave a tip to support the good cause.....so why don't you try it out? (I know, there's a "grabbelton" up here, so why bother to go up there?)
And yes, I am working on some new stuff all the time. A lot of ideas I record right away, but as I get older, I'm becoming increasingly critical of the outcome. I just want the best songs to survive. But hey, I am just a creative, but mortal human being with these fustrating limitations. So what I really appreciate is the moral support, the feedback that is so important to keep me motivated, so don't hesitate, keep in touch!
Here are some cool platforms for ya (the list keeps growing):
Tip me on Noisetrade
Try me on soundcloud
Stream on Spotify
BTW...to follow me....I'm also on Twitter under the name
Arthur Lokeend (free translation of my last album)
maandag 13 augustus 2012
Well, while I'm busy with some editing on the videoside of things, I always check some of the platforms I've put my songs on, for example TheSIxtyOne
I've read some nice, surprising comments and that's more or less the main thing that keeps me going. On the song Leak ("just an awesome voice"). On the song Suits In A Building ("The coolly accented voice truly suits this big ticket musical gem"). On the song Back In The Race ("Back in me head I seem hear Santana, Dire straits, Barry White, and more") ("Is listening to your music what they call "cloud computing"? I think I'm wired now! lol Thanks for posting all your awesome songs here"). Your support, feedback is always welcome. See you on Youtube...
I've read some nice, surprising comments and that's more or less the main thing that keeps me going. On the song Leak ("just an awesome voice"). On the song Suits In A Building ("The coolly accented voice truly suits this big ticket musical gem"). On the song Back In The Race ("Back in me head I seem hear Santana, Dire straits, Barry White, and more") ("Is listening to your music what they call "cloud computing"? I think I'm wired now! lol Thanks for posting all your awesome songs here"). Your support, feedback is always welcome. See you on Youtube...
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Be happy! |
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