woensdag 23 mei 2018

For Your Pleasure..on Bandcamp

You know Bandcamp, yes? Streamable and fun to use and to discover under and above radar music. Next to my regular JoosTVD profile I have now created a second one: JoosTVD2, his instrumental twin. Already featured as licenses on Jamendo, it's all about spreading these groovy vibes even more. Curious videomakers will surely find something that can fit their tasty frames. Move your pictures.
Get hooked then, oi!

dinsdag 22 mei 2018

Dutch review!

This is the third time, after "Open up My Parachute" (2016) and "Sagitario" (2017), I'll get another welcome review from dutch reviewer, thanks to Fred Pach from Musicworld.
Just short and sweet! Just say wOw.

Dutch multi-instrumentalist / singer-songwriter JoosTVD (alias of Joost van Dinther) remains productive in his studio, because Just Say Know is his third album in three years. With his new album, JoosTVD builds on the road taken on its previous albums with 11 decent songs, on the cutting edge of funky pop, r & b, often topped with a jazzy sound. It continues to be incredibly cool that he can invent, develop and complete his music projects in his studio. He delivers craftsmanship of international allure for Dutch standards.

De Nederlandse multi-instrumentalist/singer-songwriter JoosTVD (alias van Joost van Dinther) blijft productief in zijn studio, want Just Say Know is alweer zijn derde album in drie jaar. Met zijn nieuwe album borduurt JoosTVD voort op de op zijn vorige albums ingeslagen weg met 11 degelijke songs, op het snijvlak van funky pop, r&b, veelal overgoten met een jazzy sound. Het blijft razendknap hoe Joost van Dinther zijn muziekprojecten weet te bedenken, te ontwikkelen en in zijn studio af te werken. Hij levert voor Nederlandse begrippen vakwerk van internationale allure.

woensdag 9 mei 2018

Released "Just Say Know" And Where?

Great! "Just Say kNOw" released worldwide, but where to go to? Look around your corner...and pick one:

                                                          7 Digital
                                                                                                                                     Google Music


Constantly updated, so watch this page*!
Don't say I didn't tell ya...

donderdag 3 mei 2018

For Your Pleasure...5

Yes, here's the 5th one in the series just after the 4th. It's for you videomakers, who need a few fitting tunes to enhance their moving pictures. Potential listeners can enjoy the grooves and melodies of course...if you don't like my voice, haha. Couldn't wait for another instrumental album (only released on Jamendo folks!), just before my regular album "Just Say kNOw" comes out (sooner than I think). Really? That makes two instrumental albums en one vocal album in 2018.
No, no, no really... it's all about quality! It's just that I've been kicked around too long by these songs, begging me to let them out. Now you can play them. Need vocals on them tunes? In about week!

                                                                                                  For Your Pleasure Vol.5