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Posts tonen met het label keys & chords. Alle posts tonen

woensdag 1 september 2021

Lovely Review from Belgium!

 Hai there! I love this review from Marino Serdons from Keys & Chords

This is his 4th time reviewing my stuff. Well thank You!

In dutch: 
Klankkunstenaar JoosTVD gooide onlangs een nieuwe creatie op het internet. Suit Yourself laat ons meegenieten van een mix aan stijlen; van funk over R&B tot jazz. Als je Joost The Vanished Dutchman voor de eerste maal hoort, kijk je toch wel even raar op. Rijkelijk gelaagde composities die in tijden van minimalisme compleet tegen de stroom ingaan. Altijd straalt er wel enige vrolijkheid uit de songs (ook een rariteit). Eenvoud en mainstream staan (gelukkig) niet in zijn woordenboek. Net zoals Frank Zappa indertijd kent creativiteit geen grenzen. Doch waar Frank soms buitensporig er over ging of symfonische werken durfde componeren, blijft multi- instrumentalist JoosTVD steeds gestructureerd en bevattelijk werk afleveren (ondanks rare sprongen). De funky grooves en de humoristische (bijna theatrale) vondsten behoren ondertussen tot het handelsmerk van de Nederlander. Dat maakt de opvolger van "Just Say Know" gesneden koek voor de fans en voor de musical regisseurs.
Once again JoosTVD with a funky album that entertains en inspires at the same time.
Marino Serdons, Keys & Chords

In English:

Sound artist JoosTVD recently threw a new creation on the internet. Suit Yourself lets us enjoy a mix of styles; from funk over R&B to jazz. When you hear Joost The Vanished Dutchman for the first time, you will be surprised. Richly layered compositions that go completely against the grain in times of minimalism. There is always some cheerfulness in the songs (also a rarity). Simplicity and mainstream are (fortunately) not in his dictionary. Just like Frank Zappa back then, creativity knows no bounds. But where Frank sometimes went overboard on whether he dared to compose symphonic works, multi-instrumentalist JoosTVD always delivers structured and comprehensible work (despite strange jumps). The funky grooves and the humorous (almost theatrical) finds are now part of the Dutchman's trademark. That makes the successor of 'Just Say Know' a piece of cake for the fans and for the musical directors.
Once again JoosTVD with a funky album that entertains and inspires at the same time.
Marino Serdons, Keys & Chords

zondag 10 mei 2020

The first round of Reviews of "Doesn't Ring A Bell"

The critics are never kind, they say. They have been to me through the years. Some critics know me better, so the bar is set high. Yes, I've been piling up songs man! I've got a lot of albums done.

To my surprise, this time the reviews are not all that favorable. Not that bad, but not that great either. That can be a good thing if they are constructive. It can help me further in the end, it can and will challenge me! So tickle me! Next time....
To my surprise, because to me this album is my best and the most accessible album I've made so far, but that's maybe the point: too predictable, too close to comfort for some who know me already.

The most important thing about staying creative, is to challenge yourself. I've worked very hard on all the aspects around creating these songs.
These songs came from the heart, I didn't force them.

Well,.... listen for yourself I'd say! Spotify release

Written In Music

Leon Pouwels (first time reviewer, says I'm a bit by the safe side)

Keys And Chords

Marino Serdons has written favourable about me before (2x), he has a point about the "no surprises".


They also wrote about me (2x) before and they think it doesn't add anything to what I've done before.