Ok. Fine. Did the work. Did you listen? Of course.
Just say...YES! Thank you.
A whole year just writing songs- and there were a lot of them- always makes you wonder which ones will make it to the finish line. I'm tired, but fulfilled and I ain't gonna stop now..so much to do....I'll just vanish again.
Now, pay attention, let me tell you all about the tunes on "Just Say KNOW".
01.Not Now
A quick and fun one to write, so obviously the first one that motivated me to create a new album again. Upbeat and funky. Fun to dance to. No, not now! Always looking out for the right groove to get me going. A lot of dancing tunes inspired me (especially those from the seventies).
02.The Vanished Romeo
One of my favourite songs of the album. I like the smooth shuffle, jazzy arrangements in the verses and the latin groove of the refrain. Slowly building up a tension. That's a combination that does it for me. A lot of sweat involved here that almost turned into a bloody mess. O Romeo....
What does that mean "Indie" anyway these days. Independent? It's a DIY world already!
Strumming chords can be boring, but this pattern kept me busy, playing for hours.
04.My Cat Is Stoned
A normal cats and dogs day... Cat wants to be a dog and vica versa. I simply wrote this on guitar.
I always try to come up with a fun song that keeps the balance between sad/glad/serious/fun.
The latin infection. Latin stuff keeps creeping into my songs. Why? I love rhythm.
As long there's a melody/hook it's allright I guess. I'm loaded with that. This is a song about friendship and the love involved.
On edge all the time...
That's my songwriting spirit sometimes. A bit more darker/ angrier than the rest of the album. Good for the balance. Maybe a bit Peter Gabriel (So, Us) influence. I've payed a lot of attention to the dynamics.
I like dancing. Rhythm. Hypnotic beats... If it falls flat it's just what "disco" did at the end of the seventies and what "house" does today. To me, it's not human, it's too safe, superficial (they all sound the same!), generetically rotten.
Here, I even give you a pulsing beat that evolves into a reggae pattern in the chorus. But don't misunderstand: I just want to dance again.
08.Crest Of A Wave
Bossa style dutchman. I've always admired brazilian music for its subtle, passionate and smooth patterns. Exotic music oozes summer. I'm just an old fashioned melancholic guy here.
09.There's No Sense In Making Sense
Stop making sense! A terrific Talking Heads concert movie said it all. Restless song, but floating. A little experimenting with the rhythm breaking up did the trick.
10.All The Way
The vanished crooner. As we reach the final, an easy-on the ears ballad can do wonders to comfort your soul and mind. All the way.
11.Not Ever
Coda: a dreamy instrumental and a serious contrast to the first (upbeat) song "Not Now". Say NO. Do not give in. Not Now, not ever.
Hai folks, It's a cold spring so far, but that doesn't bother me at all. As long as the sun comes up......and if there's any music that will cure your spring fatigue...
The new stuff has been listened to and played on various radio and to round it off it has been reviewed. I hope more will follow, but there so much going on in musicland, so I have to be happy by whatever that's been giving me. Feedback.
Well here are some really nice words again (his eight review of my albums) from Nathan Norgel, placed in this german, cultural online magazine Wasser-Prawda
In german: Wenn der Frühling kommt, dann erscheinen nicht nur die Schwalben aus
dem Süden. Auch neue Musik des Niederländers Joost van Dinther aka Joos
TVD darf man erwarten. Sein neues Album Sagitario erfüllt die
Erwartungen aufs Schönste. Auf den Listen der Orte, die besungen werden, taucht einer eigentlich
zu selten auf. In "Private Scene" singt JoosTVD das Lob der Toilette.
Denn das ist einer der wenigen Plätze, wo man noch wirklich allein sein
kann. Auch Psychopharmaka, hektische Freundinnen, das Leben der Reichen
in Hollowood oder andere Themen der Gegenwart liefern dem Niederländer
Stoff für äußerst humorvolle oder sarkastische Lieder. Musikalisch bietet Sagitario wieder die komplette Bandbreite zwischen
Jazz, Funk, Rock, Cabaret und Nonsense. Wer JoosTVD bislang noch nicht
kennen sollte: man kann ihn wirklich nicht klassifizieren. Was der
Songwriter und Multiinstrumentalist Jahr für Jahr allein in seinem
Studio zusammenrührt, ist eine Kur gegen jegliche schlechte Laune oder
In english (not great these translations): When spring comes, not only the swallows appear from the south. Also new music from the Dutch Joost van Dinther aka Joos TVD can be expected. His new album Sagitario fulfills the expectations most beautifully. On the lists of the places, which are sung, one appears actually too rarely. In 'Private Scene' JoosTVD sings the praise of the toilet. Because this is one of the few places where you can be really alone. Even psychopharmaceuticals, hectic friends, the lives of the rich in Hollowood, or other contemporary subjects provide the Dutch fabric for extremely humorous or sarcastic songs. Musically, Sagitario again offers the complete range of jazz, funk, rock, cabaret and nonsense. If you do not know JoosTVD yet you can not really classify it. The fact that the songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, alone in his studio year after year, is a cure against any bad mood or spring fatigue.
Hey folks of the good earth! While the snow has covered most of the lowlands here, I've got a few snowballs to throw at ya.
The songs are continiously reviewed by yours truly. Listening sessions on every device I can get my hands on. From crappy monitors of my daughter's pc, the car stereo while trying to drive slowly (failing) or listening to my own comfortable studio sound, it's quite a difficult task to tweak the most- and best sound- out of the ordinary. Warning! I have to keep my ears fresh to notice all the tiny details as I have watched a few audio professionals at work in their own playrooms. Learned so much from these guys, great to have their support. I'm a musician first, just willing to go all the way...by himself..
The Vanished Dutchman 2017
As I've said before, there will be 12 songs. I'm really excited now as I've seen them grow and evolve everyday. All the changes in arrangements that have been coming up....! Typical JoosTVD: groovy popsongs all spiced up with a latinesque, jazzy, rhythm & bluesy sauce.
I guess I'm more at peace and pleased with myself as before (I know better what to do and what not to now!) as I'm much more confident in my playing and singing and that is saying much.
And then... there are the leftovers. Well they will certainly have a place on the next albums.
Next to the technical side, there's always something needed to stir the curious eyes, like a promo video, artwork. Well those are in the pipeline too. I've been working my ass off.
I also know the title of the album (it's spanish for...) which I will tell in the near future when I'll show you the finished front and backcover cover. These and the promo have their origins in a homevideo shot with my mobile phone. This is the low-budget way as usual.
I'm aiming for a release for april 2017. Soon, soon.
“Euh, what is it what you do?”
I write… songs. Melodies and grooves. Popmusic with
latinbluesfunkgrooveR&Brockjazzhumor. I don’t follow the trends.
Just keep an eye on them.
“Euh, why that unpronouncable name?”
I’m not an artist, I’m a musician, that’s why I’m not using a flashy
sounding name. It’s my aversion against the so-called predictable,
prefabbed artists I’ve had to hear through the years. Besides, the
horror when bandmembers try to figure out bandnames…
“Come on now, gimme a pronounciation!”
Juiced; Joos-TVD. Singer & player“The Vanished Dutchman?”
I’m dutch and I vanish most of the time…..come back once a year.
“Recording Musician?”
Although I like performing/ entertaining and I did play in a few
bands (between 1980-1995), more and more I became aware of my real
strengths: songwriting and shape a song into a complete version as I
hear it in my head. It’s “hard” work though. Talent is not enough. You
can’t push it, it will “push” you! It’s in the back of my head all the
time. 24/7. Don’t worry, I do sleep and I like to vanish from time to
I’m like that sponche(joost). I’ve been discovering and collecting
all kinds of stuff. Sometimes I didn’t eat, just to have new music was
enough to survive. I’ve been touched by great talents (and to me the real artists)
like George Gershwin, Cole Porter, Irving Berlin, Kurt Weil, Leiber
& Stoller, Joni Mitchell, Jimmy Webb, Burt Bacharach, Gino Vannelli,
Paul & John (beatles), Todd Rundgren and……aah too many.
I don’t see myself as an excellent player that has to perform to show
his chops. I do play and figure out songs of other composers once in a
while, for educational purposes only. I have learned to play a few
instruments (started out as that muppet Animal drummer), just enough to
make records! I’m not a professional sound engineer, but I’ve learned
along the way. Do It Yourself. That’s my kick. To put
my own creations on “tape”. Play and push record. I already started
recording my own songs around 1980…playing (drums, bass, guitar,
keyboards, vocals). Learned a whole lot about self-reflection in the
meantime. Produced around 43 cassettes (remember it was the analog age!)
of work in progress.
Now it’s (vinyl) all comming back, hip again.
Stay in touch: The Vanished Facebook
Why do so many Dutch people cycle? This is because of a vast network of cycle paths that are clearly
marked, with smooth surfaces, separate signs and lights, and wide enough
to allow side-by-side cycling and overtaking. Sure, but sometimes these paths are so crowded indeed, you don' t see the marks.
How do Dutch people meet each other?!
The Dutch are quite direct (can be seen as a bit rude perhaps) but not straightforward at all. Guess I' m rude sometimes. Although I' m a very private, introverted guy, I often try to break the ice, by teasing a stranger or joking around.
Well, I'm a dutch man, that' s why I ask. But I don' t sing in dutch, I just...can't. Yes I know, I' ve got a thick accent when I use my tongue for english, but what the heck.
Maybe there's a title in there for the new "Vanished Dutchman" album coming up in 2014.
When? I' ll let you know. The finishing of it all is the most intensive of the whole process.
I' ve got 14 songs for ya, chosen from about 30. I just need some smooth lyrics and a very thick accent for 7 of them to get there. Some tunes came very quick, so they motivated me the most to finish. Others need more time and space. But I won' t push.
For those who want to to know everything, nothing spicy, shocking or special Murdochish up here........but take a deeper look into my humble kitchen sink an take a trip into the deep. The process of creating something from nothing is only possiblewhen I let myself go. Doing it immediately from the void! So much fun I had!
And sorry soundengineers, I ain't one, the sound had to be a big blasting powerhouse. I guess you would do a more professional thing here.
Thanks to all of you that have listened this last year, your feedback has made my self-confidence (Orson Nietes) grow a little bit more. Already teased the hungry listener with the first 11 tracks on bandcamp. And now finally,
I bring you these 24 stories, doing it like it's a full blown double vinyl album, my 15th album:
(hey pssss...GRAB me....it´s over there, somewhere on the right...it's the "lite"version for now) 01.Back In The Race
Sort of a comeback song isn't it? No, it isn't. Well, that pushy drive (banging out on the piano) got me to these competetive words. A little edgy (rock energy). I wanted a full, organic bandfeel. For me this had to be the opener.
02.Bigger Things
Had a lot of ideas floating around, some didn't immediately fit. Two of them I melted into a bigger one. Just sing along and feel happy, think BIG.
03.Alice Tea
Goofy humor? A trippy LST or LSD songwith a lot of Chaplin Slapstick to set that goofy mood.Sugaryour tea honey. Aktion- reaction effects from the soundlibraryand yours truly.
04.Leak Yes, it's about leaking in general and it's about those wiki revelations, that won't go away. Gimme some truth. I'm especially fond of the combination of melody and chords, so I kept it very direct and simple.
05.Suits In A Building
Elevator blues! Stuck in slowfunk. It started with a piano pattern. I doubled
different bass parts to make it more pulsing funky.
I'll show you! Rock'n troll pastiche. Quick, Short ditty on the piano. Had a lot a funwith myself, but only 1.19 minutes, ha.
I had to writethis.....
poor birdy...retweet
I really got it going. Wrote all these crazy songs very quickly! (Alice Tea, Tweet, Showking). It's good to puke sometimes. Karmacleaning.Man, I had too much energy, I had to....
09.Bill Withus
To keep things fresh, I often switch between guitar and piano when I write. It started with this breaky melodic intro. All instinct, funky, groovy fingers hammering on the keys, basically around G7.
"Hey Bill, are you with us?"
The music busines vs Bill Withers. Very talented man, not taken seriously by these A&R guys. Well, watch the documentary...
Hope you like it Bill (although he'll probably never hear it).
10.Climb Another Hill You can relax now. Variation in mood, tempo and theme right here. Basically a lovesongfor the desperate ones, written and played on the piano, yours truly.
11.My Sweet Spanish Drama
I love spanish flicks and although I've never been there before, I feel something matadoresque bullying in my blood, si, si.I was in a flamenco mood.
Don't Stop now! (In the old days my turntable would repeat itself, scratching the vinyl at the end, so I had to flip it over to the other side, try to do that with your device!)
12.Citizen Able
"Started at the top, worked my way down", he said. This song tries to do the opposite. With a smooth latin beatI worked myself up.
13.Mask A sober approach, intimate atmosphere contrasts with the first half of the album. I always try to vary with tempo, style, just to keep myself on my toes. A personal favourite. So revealing.
14.Jazz Off
"I do not play jazz", Miles said, just to get those jazzpurists reaching for their guns..
It's all music in the endman, and we all hear it in our own way .
I love it when musicians reach out, explore something they haven't done before. There is nothing new up here, but I'm always fascinated by hypnotic, repeated patterns or rhythms. I tried to sing unusual, different melodies on top of that (listen: Talking Heads- Remain In Light [1980]. 15.Miracle
JoosTVD does a poppy one. Well, everything I do has got to have some sort of a melody. This I did on piano, quickly writing itself.
16.Sombrero Siesta!My sweet spanish drama under Mexican hideaways. 17.Sugar Tune
Something that's hard for me to do sometimes (sorry mom and the rest), so I write about it: a lighten up-live a little-song. Soft melodic one, written on the piano. Lost my teeth in there..
18.Mermaids In Bloom
The girl is growing up, finding her own feet.
You know who you are... 19.EntreNous
Instrumental, consisting of two seperate pieces I had other plans with orignally. Found them interesting enough to melt together. But keep it "between us".
20.Has To Be I'm a big fan of blue-eyed soul, (I think black music is rhythmically more subtle) but offcours I'm just a plain, stiff euro-celtic.It has to be this way.... 21.Overdrive
At first I had this slow pianoballad version, but decided to change the tempo. The result: I combined those two. I love to play these chords on piano. 22.Flag Of The World
Think about that, mmm.......a dream......utopian music?
Mucho-Macho-Macheato. it was a combination of words, chords and the "Riders On The Storm" inspired Bass-pattern that made this fun to write.
24.Dad Waltz (The Song He Gave Me)
Basically me, touching strings. Heard it on his funural....
There he is. The guy who has VANISHED, claims to be JoosTVD and IS problably dutch. So why doesn't he come closer? HE CAME BACK and he agreed on this conversation himself. Ok, relax. Be careful what I say now.
But what the...he's trying to vanish through that door....heey... "heey......wait........HEEY José!"
Q: "Are you THE Vanished Dutchman?"
A: "Mmm, it depends on what to think of me: an artist or a musician? I prefer to be the prolific latter. My main thing is songwriting, trying to develop that with my own hands, heart, mind and soul. There are so many artists who prefer a quick career in the spotlight. So yes, I'd rather be the creative vanished one. Guess I'm a slow burner with a long, strong breath, mostly keeping myself anonymous happy. Too many have vanished from this flath earth already..."
Q: "Well, who is Orson Nietes then?"
A: "We all know Orson Welles, do we? Nietes (pronounce as NIETUS, it's dutch slang for NOT) is the opposite of Welles (pronounce as WELLUS, it's dutch slang for YES or ABSOLUTELY).
Sometimes we all want the Orson brilliance: to be the talented genius, to have the fame and to find his road to Xanadu, Citizen Kane...What we don't want is the anti-climax that followed and swallowed up his career. The only way to top the top is just the road back down. Is it Welles? Or Nietes? Confusing eej? Talking about the self-obsessed ego, the narcissus in us all and the social media that makes us feel so bloody important. Tweeeeheeet me! I am...
Guess I was and still am fascinated by his lifestory (I like to read detailed biographies) and with a little bit of puzzling and joking I came up with this title ORSON NIETES, which symbolises the overall sense of the new songs. It just sounds funny: Orson Nietussss, Orson Wellussss!
Just to play with the combination of words, the double meanings they can evoke, 24/7, that's my verbal combat".
Q:"Why, o why are there so many songs on this album?"
A: "I just can't help myself. That's not what I had in mind at first. So why not? It's the comfort zone of my musical environment. In the seventies they would call this a double vinyl-they smell better than cdboxes- album. Too expensive, too much indulgement, too long to listen to. Sure, but that's up to the listener. Nowadays, we've got enough space on digi-galaxy, talking terrabytes. You can skip wathever bit/byte you like. I still believe in the whole concept of a finished album, just like a book.
A lot of these tunes took form whenever I was in a joyful, free mood. Sometimes I had so much confidence and bursts of positive energy and maybe paradoxially-especially after my father died (sept.2010)- I had to let it go, let it out! And I'm glad I did. Thanks to the strength of daddy, I guess.
So much inspiration I didn't expect occured, that it became an addiction you just wanted to dwell on to.
And sometimes I fell into a big black hole of human doubt. The crazy thing is, that these songs are mostly very UP. I mean, they- hopefully- will not depress you".
Q: "What do you do exactly on this album?"
A: "As I said before, I am not the greatest player around. The high standard of today playing provides for great organic sounding soundloops, samples and effects though. I used to play it all basically, tried MIDI, but what I CAN play is not the standard that I hear in my head. Especially the drums. Apart from orchestral stuff and woodwinds (although I have to adjust, fit them in the songs), I play the rest mostly myself, like keyboards (electric & acoustic piano), organ, guitars, bass & percussion. For the singing, well, I do the best I can, I am sort of a struggling belter, not even fit for all the styles I do, but slowly, slowly, I'm getting somewhere. Recording I do with an instinct feel. At the moment I'm in the middle of working out the last finesses".
Q: "So where are the songs, are they already vanished?" A: "Ha ha, totally! No, shall I play them for ya to prove it?
Well, the first thing that I'll do is, I'm gonna use the digital platforms that can spread these songs all over www, so you can buy (ha ha, ahum, I'm not interested in the commercial side of it, just the distribution-spreading the word-side of it). I will also release it as a stream and download on this blog, soundcloud and.. for FREE. And when you play them for the first time, a songguide on this blog may take you through the looking glass to Alice's magical Wonderland!
Poeh, strong stuff......
A=Q: Now I have a question: are there any more questions?"
Q=A: "No, that's enough for now you chatterbox you, pffff, I gotta pee".
A: "Allrighty then mate, me too!
There you are, you. So where are the songs? Gimme songs, great extraordinary tunes, YOU!
'cxuse me, but look at the guy.... is he finished (pale) or whahat?
It's just these ears man, I've got to find the right earwax to mix then I will release them songs, ME!
If the world wants them (O yeeeeaaaah!!) .
So be patient with this patient and pay a friendly visit, please like me please.....
Review from: no nick
professional production, great!
thanks a lot for sharing. great sounds. thanks for this trip.
Review from: musictomyears
Guys... I Simply Love & Adore Your Music. Style. Class & High Caliber.. Listening Fun, Laid Back. Chilled, To Perfection Mood Setting Music, Vocals & Lyrics..
Well guys this is the very first album you upload to Jamendo back in 2005, and I can simply tell straight away. That you had style, talent and a smoothness and class that stood out even back then, and with maturity and building up your musical experience you have come on leaps and bounds by all the others I have heard by you all. Simply awesome. no other words. You have me as a fan.. And an avid admirer of your musical expression, feelings and sheer beauty you are able to produce and perform and make the listener truly feel within side their ears and heart and souls. More power to you guys.. Exceptional atmospheres moods and emotions just hit you and surround you and make you feel excited, chilled to perfection. Slightly stimulated and aroused to outstanding satisfactions.
even better than the first album some albums before.
thank you soooo much for sharing! great stuff!
Review from: musictomyears
54 minutes and 6 seconds. of exquisite, high class, sweet, arousing,joyous,fun, stimulating,lounge,downtempo, euphoric, sensual, intoxicating, delightful music. And exceptionally strong,outstanding, gorgeous strong, male vocals. That will make you say Wow.. Out Loud..That are heavenly, divine and inspirationally great. And music that is empowering, Latin, jazzy,funky, pop and rhythm & Blues music on top. That will entice, drive you crazy. And send you into orbit and back again. One cracker of an album. That will you be getting down and dirty with your lover on the sofa to.. Wink.
nice relaxing "stylegroove".
thanks a lot again for sharing your creations!
first class stuff!
Review from: Biberone
Ecco un latin -jazz di stampo decisamente raffinato, davvero molto bello, ottimo sia per l' ascolto che per il ballo. Si tratta di un lavoro ispirato, che ti coinvolge emotivamente, in quanto è basato su atmosfere di stampo un po' retrò, che magicamente ti riportano indietro nel tempo e ti fanno sognare.
Bellissima la voce calda e carica di feeling che si adatta perfettamente al feel dei brani e si ascolta con vero piacere. Grande groove per questo Artista, che sicuramente meriterebbe più ascolti e più notorietà!
Here is a latin-jazz-style very refined, very nice, very good for both the listening to the dance. It is an inspired work, which involves you emotionally, as it is based on the atmosphere of the mold a little 'retro, that you magically back in time and make you dream.
Beautiful voice warm and full of feeling that fits the feel of the songs and listen with great pleasure. Great groove for this artist, who definitely deserves more recognition and more plays!
Review from: musictomyears
Pure, Sexy, Sensual, Jazzy, Blues, R&B Music. & Exceptional Vocals. & OUtstanding, Charismatic, Smoky Filled Love Tracks. & So Much More..
Where ever these guys are playing a live show. I am coming, hold me a seat in the front row please.Why... as by god.. From what I have just heard.... They are exceptional, talented and amazing, artists in general, exciting, smooth and so awesomely entertaining. In everything.. that I have just heard, from them. From, jazzy, blues, funky, rhythm and blues tracks. As Wow... I was truly impressed by the seduction quality and pure blissful atmospheres and flavours and great upbeat, charismatic, styles, that simply rolled from within these guys as they played to perfection. Let alone the singer sang with that deeply, fascinating, bewitching, outstandingly gorgeously, strong, sexy stimulating voice of his. Turn that dial up and simply savour, relax and enjoy. And also not forgetting to say this as a favourite in general. As theses guys are going to be big on Jamendo for sure.
Richtig gut^^
Die Stimme erinnert mich an einen sanften Zappa, yeah.
Insgesamt sehr abwechslungsreich, rockig, sehr freaky^^
Review from: musictomyears
Sexy, Sassy & My Kinda Jazzy, Blues, Funky, Latin Music & Vocals.
This was fun, light hearted,entertaining, spicy and cool, crisp and funky,jazzy, Latin energetic, passionate and sexy.. Wow. this guys voice. Makes me hot and bothered.. Ops.. maybe I should not say that. But to hell. I am female can not help it. But the fun and enjoyment. I have had for awhile on an album. I have checked out and totally got into.
Review from: musictomyears
Heavenly... Intoxication Of Exceptional High Standards..
I know i am bias,and a great fan of his stuff in general. When it comes to this guy and his music. Because I know a top class musician and composer when it comes to his style and type of musical expression in general. When I hear it and truly feel it within my heart and soul. And this guys music, just gets better and better. Each and every single time. I check out one of his albums. I just submerge myself totally into it and bathe in glory after glory of a great time had..Makes sun shine and good times come true. And entertains me to the max.
Review from: Bluespfaffe
Zwischen Funkjazz und Latin mit guter Laune
Eclectic ist eine Schublade, die man aufzieht, wenn einem gar nichts mehr einfällt, um einen Stil zu beschreiben. Die niederländische One Man Band JoosTVD verwendet diese Hilfskrücke allerdings freiwillig, um seine musikalische Mixtur aus Funk-Jazz, Soul, Rock und Latin zu kategorisieren. Sein aktuelles Album The Vanished Dutchman ist dafür ein exzellentes Beispiel.
Wenn Leute sofort ein Lächeln auf dem Gesicht haben, wenn Musik läuft, dann ist das schon mal ein gutes Zeichen. Bei Joos TVD funktionerte das schon kurz nach Start des Albums. Sofort kamen Fragen: Wer ist das denn? Ein Holländer, der alles allein im Studio baut? Ungläubige Blicke. Und Vergleiche: Jetzt klingt es ein wenig nach Clapton (da kam ich nicht ganz mit, ich hörte da eher eine von den bösartig humorvollen Nummern von Zappa). Und außerdem zucken die Füße egal, ob die Rhythmen aus dem Funk kommen oder arg nach Lateinamerika klingen. Und selbst romantische Balladen kommen mit einem gewaltigen Augenzwinkern daher. Also bräuchte The Vanished Dutchman eigentlich gar keine Genre-Bezeichnung. Es ist eine gute Popplatte und außerdem noch extrem tanzbar. Sagt das weiter!
I do not know if you know it. But just sometimes, you can instantly click and appreciate, and know what you have found. And will love and pure enjoy and get a buzz and a kick from, when you start to listen to music, as often as I do.. And I for one. Can simply tell you. These guys. Send me into heavenly euphoria of a bliss filled state of mind and body. As I check out their albums and songs. Wow what a voice this lead singers has that just makes me, simply have an awesome time. Enjoying his strong, determined, jolly, charismatic, energy filled, passionate, heartfelt, sincere vocals. Just glide and flow to perfection inside my ears and soul. And the feelings of excitement and a brill time just follow. And the musicians. wow what can I say. Guy.. As I have said before. You truly are one band, I will pay millions and travel across the hundreds of miles to check you out..As you are talented, upbeat, fun, stimulating, and outstanding entertaining on top. As I can bet at any of your live shows. Everyone surely does go home buzzing and feeling great after checking you all out..
Review from: Spaetlese
gefällt mir noch besser als das Vorgängeralbum.
Herrlich experimentel - bin absolut begeistert, obwohl ich es sonst eigentlich ruhiger mag.
Review from: TheSunnySide
Définitivement génial. On retrouve l'esprit Nillsson renouvelé de nu-jazz et de lounge. Richissimes orchestrations, très belle voix aux accents désinvoltes, que du très bon !
But... you can also listen to a few recommended albums (yes, I still believe in the concept "album")I turn up now and then, old and new:
Rumor (debut), Eric Clapton (his last is a JJ Cale pastiche, his obsession), Bruce Cockburn (his last), Janelle Momnae (her last: eccentric soul), Randy Newman, Robert Wyatt, John Scofield, Dory Previn, Ben Folds, Seal, Redbone, Dr.John, Brian wilson, Paul Simon, Geoff Muldaur, Al Kooper, Jerry Riopelle, Association, Ricky Lee Jones, Peter Wolf, Ben Sidran, Kip Hanrahan, Elvis Costello, Marcos Valle....if you have the TIME....listen
Do you see a door up here? wide open..room enough for everybody...
This is just another selfobsessed, narcistic music blog. I can almost hear you think "who in the @#$% are you?" Well you have to read my mind...to find the ego....Ok, because of my dutch stumbling, pardon me english-american mumbling.
Vanished Dutchman? Not quite...listen it's all done in the kitchensink of my house, yes really.
I've got a lot of cooking stuff (singer-songwriter= blues, jazz, latin, popmelodic, funk, R&B bulll..it's just music!) that I wrote these past 30 years to fondle your ears. I won't bother you with the earlier stuff (maybe I'll dare later ha), because of the vintage sound of tapebuzz. Maybe you're interested in some of that. Maybe you have to convince me...that you're a buzzfan.
I'll show you what I've been doing the past 12 years of recording, writing, playing and listening: the things that are still keeping me alive, and...
I'm in the middle of a "struck by lightening" proces of recording another "vanished dutchalbum"
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