donderdag 24 januari 2019


Here's a songlist with snowballs throwing in including "Not Now", chosen by (Homecooking):

Homecooking says "If you have not had the time to listen to everything this month, we give you a little help. Each month, a 15-track summary of what happened here will be proposed
The methodology of choosing the 15 titles is obscure and can not be explained. In no case the unsorted tracks would be worse (again we are not there to judge the quality).
At the limit, if a track meggles the cat, it can influence the final choice.

Playlist January 2019

zondag 20 januari 2019

Putting Dots On The I

Staring Dutchman
Hai folks, glad you're here... A new year brings new possibilities. See the grey hair? Well, I've been working my ass off and I guess the labour on my music has taken the original colours away, but... I always feel like a mountain though, rocking fiercely at these times.
Ok, for me it's mostly the music that gives me the ultimate satisfaction. What's up then? I am deep into the final stages of mixing my new songs. Excitement in the air. A few brushes here and there. It takes time to smooth the rough edges out of my way though. So far, I'm very happy with these tunes: they funk me right in the gut. I'm getting better bit by bit. That's the road I'm traveling on... I have to do this alone. Am I arrogant, narcistic, ego-centric? Yes, just like anybody else, haha! Whatever you do, how important you think you are for any community, you do it for yourself first. I'm just more aware of what I can do and that gives me the confidence that I've never ever had before. I also need some distance from the predictable sound, so I distract myself with housekeeping, family get togethers (mostly my own children, wife and my mother by phone), reading, watching TV series and the lot. Inspiration. Just live my life, stay healthy. keeping it up, just we all try to do. CU TVD

woensdag 9 januari 2019

Fanatics use your magic!

Hai there world! Still here after all...making music is the main thing, but we musicians need feedback once in a while. So here's the deal. Soon I'll release a new album (and more) and here's a way you can come up with a few words of support. Maybe you're a musician as well and have a gift of a great chatterbox, show your magic tricks on this platform:

Reviews on Drooble